Don’t know what suits me! (part-2) The body type

Personal style and comfort should always be a priority. The most important thing is to feel confident and comfortable in what you’re wearing. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles to find what works best for your unique body shape.

Don’t know what suits me! (part-1)The body type

We have discussed about various body types and now you must be well aware of your body type. Today we will talk about how silhouettes play a major look to make or break an outfit. And yes, we will be determining each look based on the body type. In this blog we will discuss only […]

How to Choose the Right Prints

Creating a dependable, go-to wardrobe is one of the simplest ways to effortlessly put together outfits daily. To accomplish this, developing a personal style quotient is key, and occasionally incorporating prints can be a part of that equation.

Unique Body Proportions

We all know that there are majorly 5 body types. And we all fall in some category or the other. But does it get sometime confusing when we don’t exactly fit in these definition ? If that is the case then we must know a bit better about these shapes. The five major categories that […]

Love for All Bodies and Colors…

Everywhere in the world, literally, we see people talking about body positivity for women. From famous designers to actors to big brand campaigns…But with that we also hear that plus sizes need to shrink , you need to loose weight, fair is beautiful and runways showcasing stereotypical thin models. Even some brands has created separate […]

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